Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bill of Rights - BHO "Negative Rights"

This story is scary:

Apparently the bill of rights in not that important and we all know BHO refers to the constitution as a "charter of negative liberties" like he did on public radio while a member of the IL Senate. In Oklahoma they don't care about the first amendment and the Secret Service seem to disregard the intent of the fourth amendment in this overarching search of this individual's home.

Here is a glimpse into the warped mind of a sycophant, demagogue:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chimp Goes Ape On Xanax

What is wrong with people?

If you own a chimpanzee and he isn't quite right you should probably not give him anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax...right? I know he was named Travis and seemed like part of the family but the police did her a favor by shooting him. It costs $300 to put down a dog...can you imagine what a chimpanzee costs. Travis enjoyed wine, could use the toilet, and was survived by a bunch of primates. How wonderful.

Of course he was in Connecticut.

Connecticut is represented in the Senate by the inept Christopher Dodd. I am sure by now most folks have heard of the Dodd ammendment to the $787 billion bill signed by BHO. You are so important Mr. Dodd. You have done incredible things as the chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. I wish I could get a deal like you from Countrywide. You are trying to limit pay for executives in companies like Countrywide so that people like Angelo Mozillo will never be able to collect a $150 million annual salary like he did in 2007. However do you think you could have been involved in the VIP program and received the "favorable" loan you received if he was not allowed to do what he did? Of course you are unwilling to disclose the terms of this loan form 2003. Oh last summer it was no problem to disclose the details, as you claimed some bank would fail, which led to the eventual collapse of Indymac but now you have refinanced and left the details forever lost.